3 Essentials for Startup Success - Head, Heart, & Hands


The thought of setting a startup is scary in so many ways. You feel you need so many things and so much knowledge before even fathom starting one. However, most entrepreneurs already have the three essentials of starting a business: your head, heart, and hands. 

You may think that’s something just people say but not happen in reality. However, these three things are indeed your most significant assets when starting your business. 

Here’s what these three terms mean in the business sense.

  • Create with your head: The quality of your idea

Any startup is only as good as the idea it sells. The biggest brands in the world now started as an idea in someone's mind. Therefore your startup needs to have an impactful idea that generates value for your customers. The best ideas are those that are unique, innovative, and solve a significant problem. Don’t forget to do proper market research. In case your business requires collaboration with other companies for any need then make it a point to a proper background check. You can do that by registering yourself on CreditQ, the state-of-the-art Credit Management Platform that offers you varied facilities to like Business Information Report, know about business defaulters, and helps you keep track of payment. 

  • Put your heart into it: Believe beyond doubt that it will workout

Some of the most famous entrepreneurs, such as Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, always shared how they were told multiple times by everyone they knew that the idea they had would never work. Yet Steve Jobs created Apple world's largest brand and Elon Musk made Space X and Tesla motors. So the power of positive thought when everything feels like a disaster and the spirit to not give up on your startup no matter how hard it gets is pivotal for your success. You need to constantly keep the purpose of starting your business and the credibility of your idea in your mind when plagued with difficult circumstances. Avoid procrastination and other destructive behavior and keep your mind and body healthy by inculcating a good lifestyle and habits to instill positivity. 

  •  Build with your hand: Put your idea into action

No goal is achievable with just a great idea and a positive mindset. Action is the third and integral part of the success of any business startup. For your actions to be successful when opening a startup, you need to have a clear vision and action plan. Your plan of action should cover all the essential aspects of starting a new enterprise, including finding investors, arranging equipment, office hiring employees, and developing marketing strategies. It is the stage where you should ask for help from colleagues, consultants, and anyone else who can help you with the proper execution of your plan.

Follow these steps to begin your journey in the booming start-up world.
