5 Credit Management Practices for Business Success

Business Credit Defaulters

Dealing with business credit defaulters are tricky. Well, it’s a common issue that bothers most MSMEs and businessmen. Sometimes, your courtesy calls go in vain, and other times you’ve to convince yourself to take stern measures to get this issue closes as soon as possible. It can impact your business negatively.
Many businesses devise company credit management techniques that help them recover bad debts. They may put services on hold or offer a deadline to the payment defaulter. Besides, you can always seek legal help. 

Well, you don’t have to go through the pain of approaching legal authorities to intervene. The best solution is to review your client’s commercial credit information report before making any business deal. 

Let us help you learn certain credit management practices that you can follow to recover money from business credit defaulters and know better about business credit management.

Pay a visit

If your debtor is escaping from payment issues time and again, it’s time to pay him/her a visit. What could be better than going unannounced so that your business credit defaulter will have no excuses to give. While you should inform your client beforehand, you can keep this option as a last measure if your effort to reach them is going in vain. 

Make courtesy calls

If your debtors stay far away and you can’t afford to visit them now and then, you can start making their courtesy calls. While on call, make sure you note everything as proof so that you can take action accordingly. You may find that your credit defaulter is experiencing a cash crunch. You can allow him/her some time to repay the debt amount. 

Put their services on hold 

If you’ve made enough efforts to reach your payment defaulter, you can take a stern step of putting their services on hold. You can stop doing business with them for the time being. Meanwhile, you can find all the documents, such as payment records, invoices, material acknowledgment, etc. You should have a valid reason to put their services on hold. It could be a lesson for you if you’re finding a replacement. Make sure to check their credit score for the company.

Seek professional help

If you’re unable to handle the payment dispute yourself, it’s best to consult credit information bureaus like CreditQ. It can help you settle payments with your debtors and advise you on smart B2B solutions. When you approach credit bureaus, you save yourself the time and effort that you may spend juggling with legal authorities. It may take more time than expected. 

Create strict payment terms

Next time, you should create strict payment terms and conditions. Make it in writing and share it with your clients while signing the contract. You can also leverage MSME advantages to find a reliable replacement that has a record of good business ethics. 

All this can help you find some peace of mind. We understand dealing with all kinds of people in business can be chaotic. That said, you should be smart enough to safeguard your business from fraud and make it reach heights.  


